200 Acres in Kasu Are Destroyed by an Agricultural Disaster Caused by Mumbai-Goa Highway Construction

Pen: According to reports, Kasu village, which is close to Pen along the Mumbai-Goa highway, is facing a serious agricultural crisis as a result of contamination from highway construction waste destroying 200 acres of crops. Numerous farmers in the region have reported experiencing health problems, including skin disorders, for the first time, and extensive damage to their crops. The continued construction of the highway is the root of the problem, as it has shifted local land levels and contaminated fields with chemical soil.

In addition to harming the crops, the tainted water caused health issues for the farmers. Some, including Jambhale, claimed to have acquired a skin condition as a result of laboring in the fields. Farmers have responded by formally complaining to the government and requesting prompt action. The beginning of highway building two years ago seems to be the source of the problem, since it changed the height of the ground and resulted in waterlogging in some sections. Local officials and contractors ordered farmers to level their land using soil supplied by the construction company in an effort to make things right.

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